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About Posting To The Standard Wage Form

5 min read

If you are a recruiter user, you have access to posting standard wage listings, to announce you are hiring for labor in our supported state areas. To post an open position paying standard wage, simply fill out the form at As we require and request more information than usual about the position, keep in mind all this is well worth it to show your transparency upfront and help job seekers find their next position that’s right for them.

Standard Wage Form Essential Information #

NOTE: image may be slightly out of of sync with the currently updated form

The first part of our form captures the most essential information that job seekers want to know up front before the job seeker even thinks about applying. The first part of our standard wage form gathers information like the job title, company hiring name, the wage range.and more provide the job seeker all the essential information on our listing loop cards.

What’s A Catchy Listing Title? #

Every listing needs a good title to show the purpose of the listing the recruiter is hiring for. We recommend Something Looking For a Call Center Representative to grab the attention of job seekers looking for your type of work.

Why Share The Position Title? #

We must insist on job recruiters providing a job title to ensure the listings authenticity as well as proving an opportunity for job seekers to find their next job.

How To Add A Hiring Company Name? #

One of the important pieces of information we collect is the hiring company name. This can be either the hiring company name or the recruiting agency name. When Adding a company name, first check the list as shown in the video, and then if the business name is not yet in our system, click ad hiring company name and add the company to our system to be used for other listings. We find job seekers are more likely to apply for a job that shares with the hiring company.

What Is The Company’s Working Environment? #

One piece of information we must know, is what the environment is that the applicant will be working in, upon getting the job. We offer environments types that are most common like 100% work from home, which means that the job is entirely remote. Another environment type is at home customer visits for contractors, at home nursing, appliance repair and more. For job seekers that like to work in the office we offer a single office working environment type to help job seekers find the next perfect job.

How Much Time Does The Position Require? #

Sure there are the terms full time and part time, but what does that really mean? Over 40 hours or under 40 hours but we need a number. We ask for an exact number of working hours per week to make sure the job seeker is able to find the right number of hours for them. Our standard wage listings must be over 10 hours.

Number Of People The Recruiter Is Hiring #

Are you hiring for just one person or a bunch of people. Some job seekers like to apply to jobs that are hiring more than just one applicant. A piece of information likely to not be included in most job listings.

Standard Compensation Range #

One of the most left out pieces of information on a job listing is the compensation for the position, and not only is it the most left out but it is one of the most important pieces of information for job seekers to decide if the position then need to live on. The compensation information is now even required by states like Connecticut to be disclosed when asked.

What Transportation & Licenses Are Needed? #

Another new piece of information we ask about is what kind of transportation is required for the position. We ask if the applicant needs to have a valid driver’s licence only, meaning that the applicant can get to work via other means, but the applicant must have an active licence to drive a work vehicle during working hours. The second option asks if the applicant needs a vehicle as well as a valid drivers license or the applicant may be needed to drive during working hours or it is distant from the living community. Our final option asks if the position is public transportation friendly. By selecting this option you will see a new box appear where you can enter the closest public transportation train port or bus number. We recommend researching the closest public transportation near the working area to see if it is located less than a 30 minute walking distance from a transportation port.

What Are The Positions Perks & Benefits Of This Position? #

Introducing a new way for recruiters to promote your open positions, by presenting a list of job perks & benefits the position or workplace offers. Recruiters, make your next open position stand out by including all of the perks & benefits of the position. See a list of different perks & benefits that you may not have even thought to add. Simply choose at least 1 perk or benefit, but up to 10, that this position or workplace offers in addition to the wage offered.