Beta Phase 0.1.9 – Recruiter User Registration & Front End Form Posting Employment posts

This is the biggest phase version jump yet, since it has been a bit since the last update. This jump is at 0.1.9 only because beta testers are needed to test bugs before more finalization can be done to jump to a 0.2 or something. This build now accepts new registered recruiter users for free, during the initial build. Newly invited and registered users will still get a receipt (of $0.00 USD) for their registration. Soon beta invites will be issued to recruiters as a limited invite. All recruiter users must register with additional user info verification such as the company they are associated with and their hiring region, with a check code to ensure a crackdown on spam and fake posts. Once registered recruiter users are logged in and the account verification, is complete, recruiters can post their job posts for both tipped wage (Min $5.00) and the board’s standard minimum wage (Min $14.25). Front end forms for posting to employment forms added to protected post pages to recruiter users, customer dashboard added, (Stage 3: build)

What’s Done?

  • Now Able To Accept Recruiter Users
  • User Front End Form form job posts revised/tested
  • New Minimum Wage Tabel
  • 2 types of employment posts added, minimum wage (min $14.25) and tipped minimum wage ($5.00)
  • Designed Custom Loop Card for post types to reflect position info preview
  • Front End Feed Loop Lists Created For Both Employment Types
  • Added Additional Info For Recruiter Users To Provide Associated Company Name With Spam Verification
  • Added User Login & Registration Fields

In The Works

  • Registration Of Job Seeker Users
  • Job Seeker User Registration
  • Job Seeker Public Profile (possibly)
  • Create Company/Branch Location Profiles Profiles
  • Set Relationships Between Recruiters And Companies
  • Install Employment Post Ad Banner Creator
  • And More