Beta Phase 0.8.0 – Listings, Feedback, Social Features & More

We are delighted to announce the highly awaited update of The New England Job Board – Beta Phase 0.8.0! This major update brings a host of new features and enhancements to our platform, making the job search experience even better for job seekers and recruiters. With meticulous attention to detail, the team has completed the additions and testing of various features, ensuring a smoother transition from beta to the official launch. We are ready to launch with our Standard Wage, Tipped Wage and Looking For Work listings when we make the jump.

One of the significant and crucial improvements was the implementation and layout of the Standard Wage and Tipped Wage forms or listing pages. Most listings Can be filtered to view by state or region allowing users to easily filter job listings based on their desired state or region, allowing users to find employment opportunities that are closer to their location. Additionally, we have introduced the option for job seekers to create Looking For Work Listings, empowering them to speak up to recruiters to share their skills and availability.

In response to feedback and obvious features we had to include, we have added Job Fair listings to the platform, allowing job recruiters to post upcoming job fair events and connect with potential candidates. This new feature simplifies the process of organizing and participating in job fairs, offering a valuable networking opportunity for both recruiters and job seekers.

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we have integrated GamiPress, a gamification plugin that rewards users for various platform interactions. Earn points and badges as you complete specific tasks, adding an element of fun and motivation to your job search journey and recruiter candidate search.

To enhance user experience and accessibility, we have addressed bugs and improved performance throughout the platform. We understand the importance of user feedback and have dedicated feedback pages for different features, allowing you to share your thoughts and suggestions. We greatly value your input as to ensure we continue to add new popular features to make the job board even better.

As we continue to refine and develop the New England Job Board, we are excited to work on future features, such as SafeApply, which will allow users to apply directly on our website with easy, fair and general hiring questions. We are also committed to further integrating BuddyBoss, a social plugin that will enhance user profiles and interactions, providing a more engaging and collaborative environment for job seekers and recruiters.

Thank you for being a part of our journey as we shape the future of finding employment in New England. We invite you to explore the platforms new and existing features, take advantage of the new features, and share your valuable feedback. Together, we are transforming the way job seekers find employment opportunities and recruiters connect with talented individuals in New England.


  • Consolidated Regional Search: Find job listings in your desired region more easily. All listings for a specific state, county, or municipality are now grouped together for simplified browsing.
  • Enhanced Social Capabilities: Connect with others on the platform through our BuddyBoss integration. Create detailed profiles, upload resumes, and interact with fellow users. Stay tuned for upcoming group interactions and activity feeds.
  • Gamification with GamiPress: Make your job search journey more engaging with our GamiPress integration. Earn points and badges by completing various actions on the platform, adding a fun and rewarding element to your job search experience.
  • Visual State Map: Explore our dynamic map on the homepage to see active job listings across different states. Get a quick overview of regions with the most opportunities and easily navigate to find the right job for you.
  • Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements: We’ve addressed various issues and enhanced the platform’s performance to provide a smoother and more reliable experience for all users.

In Progress/Upcoming:

  • Tipped Wage Region Posts: Discover job listings specific to tipped wage regions. Find opportunities that align with specific wage requirements and regulations.
  • Job Fair Listings: Coming soon! Browse and post job fair listings to connect with potential employers and explore upcoming hiring events in your area.
  • SafeApply (Under Development): Apply directly to job listings on our website with our upcoming SafeApply feature. Your application will be securely attached to the relevant job listing and visible only to the appropriate recruiter.
  • Looking for Work Listings (Beta): Showcase your availability and skills to potential recruiters by creating a “Looking for Work” listing. While still in beta, this feature offers an additional avenue to attract attention from employers.